Monthly SEO Reports
Atomic Digital Marketing
Monthly SEO Reports
Our Monthly SEO Reports are charged at $400+gst per month – typically they cover the following things:
1. Professional SEO expertise cast over Google Search Console (previously Webmaster Tools) & any anomalies brought up and attended to (providing within the scope of SEO budget). Graph of clicks+impressions & sitemap check.
2. Professional SEO eyes cast over Google Analytics & any anomalies brought up and attended to. Graphs of traffic for last 30 days and last 90 days.
3. Professional SEO expertise cast over the SEranking tool to consider current rankings & report ups and downs.
4. Professional analysis of each month’s Majestic SEO to check Inbound Links + Trust Flow & also keep an eye out for any Negative SEO attacks by competitors via the emergence of 1000s of spammy links.
5. Checking site using Ahrefs SEO tool.
6. Checking site using SEMrush SEO tool.
7. Checking site speed using either or both GT Metrix and Google Speed Checker. Options for improving speed given as recommendations.
8. Rankings highlights list.
9. Rankings that Need Improvements list.
10. Behaviour flow check & graph.
11. Details of Offsite SEO articles+links produced during the month providing confidentiality agreement signed.
12. Details of some Onsite SEO changes eg Page Titles & Meta-Descriptions as/if performed during the month.
13. Executive Summary which charts an overall editorial course including comparisons in the last 60 days and 90 days.